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Blogging at a Public Internet Cafe

internet cafe Pictures, Images and Photos
It's not the usual reason you hear from me everytime I am blogging at the public internet cafe. I would usually lambast my ISP in the past for internet connection failures but as of late, I haven't encountered much problems. They are a lot faster and the service is getting a lot better. They haven't given me any headaches for the last three months or so.
Until this morning. When I woke up at 4AM, I immediately headed to my desktop and turned it on. But to my dismay, the PoE adaptor for SmartBro canopy failed to function. I felt so disappointed! I have immediately filed a complaint at the SmartBro Center nearest our place and unfortunately, they ran out of supply of PoE and it would take them about a week or so to find for a replacement! My initial reaction was: "Whaaaaaaaaat????GOSH! " It's like forever for me!
Well, I couldn't do anything about it because its a circumstance beyond my control. All I need to do now is stretch my patience and wait. Indeed, patience is a virtue and it requires a lot of waiting, sigh!
Public cafes are a lot different compared to the comfort of our own homes. In here, you can not hide from the prying eyes of the other users. In short, there is no privacy. It's very noisy, too. Good thing the one I chose prohibits the playing of online games and accepts clients for internet usage only. Another thing with cafes is that I can't stand up whenever I want to get a drink or just even go to the toilet. Of course, I would want to make the most out of my stay here as I will be paying it per hour.
Having said all that, nothing can still beat the luxury of getting online in the comfort of our own homes. I can't wait to have my connection back anytime soon.
To all my regular droppers, please bear with me. I have requested my cousin Ally of In the Eyes of the Beholder to look after my blogs and do the dropping chores in my behalf. She will do her best to return all your drops. I owe her so much!
Thank you all for your continued visits. I hope you never get tired swinging by this humble blog of mine. Got to go. Until you hear from me blogging in our own home ;-)