The Readers Poll


Awards! Awards! And More Awards!

Awards from blogger friends really makes my day. It makes blogging sweeter and sweeter. Not only am I being rewarded for the time and effort being spent online but my relationship with fellow bloggers are being nourished with a simple gesture of remembering me by becoming the recipient of such beautiful awards.

I am forever grateful to the awards thrown my way by the following fabulous bloggers:
Three blogger friends have actually awarded me this amazing bling. Joy of JoyOz Journal and Designs. Mommy Ruby of Pinay Mommy Online and Polly of Random Ramblings for this wonderful UBER AMAZING BLOG AWARD .

Joy was quoted as saying to the award's recipients, which included me:


Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award is a Blog award given to sites who:

  • inspires you
  • makes you smile and laugh or maybe gives amazing information
  • a great read
  • has an amazing design
  • and any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing

The rules of this award are:

  1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
  2. Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing!
  3. Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
  4. Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.

The following bloggers deserve the Uber Amazing Award:

  1. Windmill of Windmill on the Hill- inspires me, makes me smile and laugh, great read.
  2. Uncle Che of AZ Blogging- inspires me, makes me smile and laugh, great read and more!
  3. Ally of In the Eyes of the Beholder- inspires me, makes me smile and laugh, great read and because she is my pretty cousin, hehehe!
  4. Mystique of As I Live, Laugh and Love- inspires me, makes me smile and laugh, great read and because she is my pretty cousin too, hehehe!
  5. Twerlyn of Twerlermz Blog- inspires me, makes me smile and laugh, great read and because she is the only longest running friend I have here in the blogosphere.
The first blogger who expressed that my blog, Our Journey to Forever, is her favorite is Pauline of Life is Like a Wheel. Thanks Dear! Polly again of Random Ramblings also made me one of her favorites! Isn't that amazing? Thanks so much my dear friend! Polly is one of the few great friends I have from EntreCard. She is a masterdropper and no one can ever beat her from the No. 1 spot at the Mixed Bag category. I have always appreciated her gesture of always keeping in touch with me and for all the help she has been giving me, sharing so much information that she could get and she also went to the trouble of scanning some magazine clippings for me to be able to use for my fashion blog.

And the following are my own list of favorites:
  1. Bonoriau of The Spirit of Blogging
  2. Mariuca of Wishing on a Falling Star
  3. Beth of A Woman Under God's Grace
  4. Wendy of From the Eyes of My Heart
  5. Twinks of Twinkletoe Writing Space
  6. Elaine of Pink Hues
  7. Jennie of Marriage and Beyond
  8. Recel of My Written Expressions
  9. Tricia of Proud Mommy
  10. Nancy of Just The Way It Is
  11. Babette of Babette's Definitely Maybe!

The Lemonade Award from four of my favorite bloggers, Elaine of Random Chronicles, Windmill of Windmill on the Hill, Liza of A Simple Life and Lola of Lola's Diner lit my face up one more time. Elaine is one of the first few blogger friends I have when I was just a novice in the cyberworld. I am not saying I am noi longer a novice because there's still a helluva lot of things to learn about blogging. She is a very friendly gal and so articulate. I'm one of those lucky few who was able to share the gift of friendship with her. Windmill on the other hand is a fave blogger whose entries are so full of life and humor. He always plaster a smile on my face. He calls me LAINY BELLE, isn't it cute? When he gave up his other blog before, I was prompted to write THIS. You can just imagine how happy I was when he decided to revive that blog but gave it up again for the second time, sigh! Good thing he has this one blog now which he constantly updates and with a CANDY BAR for me too, hehehe!

If you haven't gone by their blogs, it wouldn't hurt to try and see what I mean ;-)

The Rules of this award:
  1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
  2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude
  3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
  4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
I especially selected the following special people to be the recipient of such "prestigious" award, in no particular order:
  1. IVY of Designer's Chic
  2. Honey of Honey's In Love
  3. Lynn of My So Called Life
  4. Reyapot of Fragments of Thoughts: A Piece of Life
  5. Darlene of Mommy's Gibble Gabbles
  6. Rosemarie of Celebrate Life
  7. Polly of Random Ramblings
  8. Anne of Bisdak Footprints
  9. Joy of Everyday Life and Reflections
  10. Noela of My Blog Says
GvenRose and Lynn for the FRIENDSHIP OFFERING:

I would love to share this friendship award to the following special friends:
  1. Riel of This is So Me
  2. Bregie of Briggs Time for Escapades
  3. Lollii of My Kawaii Life
  4. Rosilie of Rosilie: My Blog
  5. Arlene of Joys in Life

Joy also awarded me too many beautiful blings and I only got the time to post them now. I sincerely apologize for I overlooked the bookmarking of the exact post. I hope it's never too late to post them now:

Passing these on to the following:

  1. Race of My Crossroads
  2. Shawie of A Grateful Heart