Can you recognize who's in that photo above? Well, it is my one and only groovy mother. She is obviously having a grand time smiling and projecting infront of the camera, Just do not think though it's her real hair, haha! She is precisely in the prime of her life and just like any other mothers out there who are of the same age as my mother, gaining more pounds to the point of becoming overweight is becoming a real issue for them.
We used to often tease our Mum everytime she sits down in front of the dining table that she is taking a long time eating! And she doesn't run out of excuses.
Example: "No one will eat these foods I've prepared so I better eat them all! "
We sometimes act like we were all calling the police, haha! And all we could get from her is a huge grin! But after eating and having a bulging tummy, she would immediately mumble her annoyance why she got it so big. And to make things worse, she can't even zip her pants and dresses! I would often tell her: "Well, while you were eating you haven't thought of that... " She would just simply retort back: "Hmm, I will just have to take some diet pills..."