The Readers Poll


Tomorrow is Muslim Holiday

In observance of the Izra Wal Miraj (Prophet Muhammad's S.A.W. Night Journey and Ascension), July 30, 2008 is hereby declared Muslim Holiday. This is in correlation with the 27th day of Rajab 1429 Hijra. As per Presidential Decree No. 1083 and Section 4 of the Civil Service Commission Resolution No. 81-1277, Regions 9 and 12, offices and agencies of the national and local government are closed, therefore, Muslims and non-Muslims are excused from work. The Commisson on Elections is a national government agency, hence, our office shall also hold no transactions tomorrow, big grin!

Since General Santos City's inclusion in South Central Mindanao, Region XII (we were previously under Southern Mindanao, Region XI), the Generals have been observing Muslim Holidays. It will add up to the numerous regular holidays we have here in the country. Not that I don't like it. In fact, I am loving it, hehe!

Even before GenSan became a part of Region XII, I have always looked forward for Muslim Holidays when I was still in my high school and college years. Being an alumna of Mindanao State University, we have always been flooded with Muslim Holidays. It is an institution mandated to integrate the cultural cummunities in Mindanao into the mainstream. That is why cultural minorities are given special privileges.

Muslim Holidays to me would mean keeping my mind off from work and other stressful work-related tasks. I will just be staying home and will try to put some life to my rather boring blogs, hahaha!