Contest Announcement
I wish you Blue Skies and All Things Nice !
Contest Updates and More!
"It really doesn't make sense at all! Why would people shy away from joining? That's what bloggers do- WRITE stuffs! "
The winners will be given due recognition in the Storyteller's Hall of Fame.
*** The following are the official valid entries as of March 30, 2009:
- Twerlermz Blog
- The Maiden's Testimony
- Chronic Chick Talk
- Mary Ann's Musings
- Sweet Nothings
- Mom 2 Ways
- Another Contest
- My Written xPressions
- Details in the Tales
- Just Keep Trying
- In the Eyes of the Beholder
- Make or Break
- walkingnewspaper
- Fragment of Thoughts... A Piece of Life
- Mike Mamaril: Growing One Mistake at a Time
- Zorlone
- Twinkletoe Writing Space
- Home Buddies
- Joys in Life
- The Mommy Journey
- Briggs Time for Escapades
- The Painted Veil
- Show Me Your Interest
- La-La Landia
- Rosilie: My Blog
- My Blog Says
I wish you Blue Skies and All Things Nice !
The Eye is the Window of the Soul...
The eye is the window of the soul; the mouth;
the door; the intellect; the WILL are seen in the eyes!
We are awaiting more submissions with still 10 days, 1 hour, 48 minutes and 56 seconds remaining (as of this writing) until the end of acceptance of entries. I hope I haven't scared away all potential participants with that rather long contest post, LOL! There was no intention to scare you off. This contest was meant only for fun and I hope you guys will find it that way when you share your inspiring blogging tale to the world. A contest entry is truly appreciated especially if one's HEART is on it. I know most of you are all up for the challenge.
Note: Please visit the post Lainy's Blogoversary Writing Competition: A Bloggers Celebration! for more updates!
I wish you Blue Skies and All Things Nice !
My Daily Routine
Lainy's Hottest Blogoversary Writing Competition: A Bloggers Celebration!
To celebrate the first anniversary of Lainy’s Musings, I wish that you would share together with me, my joy for having been able to consistently blog this far. My blogging journey has been topsy-turvy given the initial frustration and difficulty to understand Blog’s technical issues. However, in comparison, all that dissipates due to the inspiration and fillip that blogging has introduced to my life… as a blogger and my identity.
I have become passionate about blogging. Besides exercising this passion to its fullest, I was motivated to emulate others. I hope to establish a Blog that conveys quality. Hence, it is my desire to mark the first anniversary of Lainy’s Musings!
Most of all, it is because of the many beautiful people who contribute to making my blogging hours memorable and I cherish that.
Therefore, without further ado, this celebration’s Theme is:
You are invited to this writing contest to narrate your story. A story that narrates your blogging experience and win rewards! “Very easy?” yeah! Amaze the readers and our panel of judges with your writing prowess.
b. Only one entry per person is permissible.
c. Entries must be written in the main English language. (US or UK English medium. Other English variants are not accepted)
1. An Entry is considered VALID provided it has satisfied the following:
The Contestant entry includes:
1.1 The text link, my Blogs, Sponsors’ Links, and the competition banner.
<center> <a href="http://www.lainyonline.com/2009/03/lainys-hottest-blogoversary-writing_14.html">Blog and Win at Lainy's Blogoversary Celebration</a> </center>
<center> <a href="http://www.kuerdas.com/">KUERDAS</a> | <a href="http://www.scottzprincess.com/">Our Journey to Forever</a> | <a href="http://www.thefabchic.com/">The Certified Fashionable Chic</a> | <a href="http://www.lainyonline.com/">Lainy's Musings</a> </center>
<a href="http://www.limitlessadventure.com/">A Closet for Limitless Adventure</a> | <a href="http://www.wiehanne.com/">A Freelance Designer's Blog</a> | <a href="http://seashorebeachcottage.com/">A Life to Remember</a> | <a href="http://www.i-exhale.com/">A Moment to Exhale</a> | <a href="http://mommyinmanila.blogspot.com/">A Mommy in Manila</a> | <a href="http://mlizcochico.com/">A Simple Life</a> | <a href="http://tasteofbothworlds.typepad.com/">A Taste of Both Worlds</a> | <a href="hhttp://theadventurousdiva.blogspot.com/">Adventures of a Fitness Diva</a> | <a href="http://allblogcontest.blogspot.com/">All Blog Contest</a> | <a href="http://alsomommy.blogspot.com/">Also Mommy</a> | <a href="http://pamangkinnakoni.blogspot.com/">AnGeLs In My Life</a> | <a href="http://anothercontest.blogspot.com/">Another Contest</a> | <a href="http://www.downeastartscenter.org/">Arts and Entertainment Center</a> | <a href="http://askmsrecipe.com/">Ask Ms Recipe</a> | <a href="http://www.babettesblog.com/">Babette's Definitely MAYBE!</a> | <a href="http://www.basicbloganomics.com/">Basic Bloganomics</a> | <a href="http://blazingminds.co.uk/">Blazing Minds</a> | <a href="http://www.bregilyn.com/">Briggs Time for Escapades</a>| <a href="http://chronicchicktalk.com/">Chronic Chic Talk</a> | <a href="http://www.comptechgadgets.com/">Computer Technology Gadgets</a> | <a href="http://thefitnessdiva.blogspot.com/">Confessions of a Fitness Diva</a> | <a href="http://www.daily-stop.com/">Daily Stop</a> | <a href="http://www.midlifedancing.com/">Dancing in Midlife Tune</a> | <a href="http://d4rk4n93l.blogspot.com/">Dark Angel</a> | <a href="http://eastcoastlife.blogspot.com/">eastcoastlife</a> | <a href="http://elaisblog.blogspot.com/">elai's haven</a> | <a href="http://e-pamilya.blogspot.com/">e-Pamilya</a> | <a href="http://erik-son.net/">Erikson's Home</a> | <a href="http://www.erlindascorner.info/">Erlinda's Wandering Thought</a> | <a href="http://www.nedekcircheers.com/">Everything Has a Reason</a> | <a href="http://www.onehomediva.com/">Everything PLUS the Kitchen Sink</a> | <a href="http://www.bestlovingfilipina.com/">Everything Under the Sun</a> | <a href="http://www.filonlinecommunity.info/">Filipino Online Community</a> | <a href="http://www.reyapot.com/">Fragments of Thoughts... A Piece of Life</a> | <a href="http://www.girlsaremadeofsugarandspiceandeverythingnice.com/">Girls are Made of Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice</a> | <a href="http://www.godsbestgift.com/">God's Best Gift</a> | <a href="http://hapifamily.com/">Happy Family</a> | <a href="http://www.healthylivingandlifestyle.com/">Healthy Living and Lifestyle</a> | <a href="http://heartrandom.com/">Heart Random</a> | <a href="http://www.supernovachron.com/">History of Supernova and Sweet Pain</a> | <a href="http://homemadebeadsjewelry.mybisi.com/">Homemade Beads Jewelry and More</a> | <a href="http://www.lanieonline.com/">I Thought So</a> | <a href="http://iluvcontest.blogspot.com/">iLUVcontest</a> | <a href="http://www.blissfulally.com/">I'm Walking on Sunshine</a> | <a href="http://www.tinsumtsorp.blogspot.com/">In My Kitchen</a> | <a href="http://www.allena83.com/">In the Eyes of the Beholder</a> | <a href="http://iowahippiechick.today.com/">Iowahippiechick</a> | <a href="http://www.joyaxtraverse.com/">JoyOz Photography</a> | <a href="http://sunshineleneforlife.com/">Joys in Life</a>| <a href="http://julianaslair.com/">Juliana's Lair</a> | <a href="http://julianasworld.com/">Juliana's World</a> | <a href="http://kissmi.tblog.com/">KiSsMi</a> | <a href="http://www.kokeygadgets.com/">Kokey Gadgets</a> | <a href="http://kusinerasaamerika.blogspot.com/">Kusinera sa Amerika</a> | <a href="http://taranakaintayo.blogspot.com/">Kutsara at Tinidor</a> | <a href="http://sendami.com/">La vida es hermosa</a> | <a href="http://mywpblogonline.com/">Life's Journey</a> | <a href="http://writingsofmaria.com/">Life's Sweets and Spices</a> | <a href="http://www.lifetimemom.com/">Lifetime Mom</a> | <a href="http://pehpot.blogspot.com/">Make or Break</a> | <a href="http://pod313.com/">Mama ASID's E N T R E P O D</a> | <a href="http://www.mariucasperfume.com/">Mariuca's Perfume Gallery</a> | <a href="http://www.medandaily.com/">Medan Daily</a> | <a href="http://racelyn.com/">Moments of My Life</a> | <a href="http://liz.mommyslittlecorner.com/">Mommy's Little Corner</a> | <a href="http://mlizcochico.blogspot.com/">moms... check nyo </a> | <a href="http://gensonlinestore.blogspot.com/">My Online Adventures</a> | <a href="http://mira-burns.blogspot.com/">My Barefoot Journey</a> | <a href="http://www.myblogsays.com/">My Blog Says</a> | <a href="http://my-countryhome.blogspot.com/">My Country Home</a> | <a href="http://my-crossroad.com/">My Crossroads</a> | <a href="http://www.mykitchencooking.com/">My Kitchen</a> | <a href="http://luceljuliana.com/">My Library</a> | <a href="http://www.gingging38.com/">My Life and Family Journey</a> | <a href="http://www.cahloy.com/">My Life's Collections</a> | <a href="http://www.laniesblog.com/">My Online Diary</a> | <a href="http://freedomgiver.com/">My Piece of Paradise</a> | <a href="http://mjsterling.com/">My So Called Life</a> | <a href="http://titik-atibapa.com/">My So-Called World</a> | <a href="http://www.langging.com/">My Whole New World</a> | <a href="http://www.mywrittenxpressions.com/">My Written xPressions</a> | <a href="http://namesherry.com/">nameSherry</a> | <a href="http://www.netfreesource.com/">NetSource</a> | <a href="http://news2buzz.com/">News2Buzz</a> | <a href="http://nightclicksforextras.blogspot.com/">Night Clicks</a> | <a href="http://www.blogger.com/www.nitascorner.info/">Nita's Corner</a> | <a href="http://www.nitasrandomthoughts.info/">Nita's Random Thoughts</a> | <a href="http://www.novicemaster.com/">Novice Master</a> | <a href="http://pinoymedicaldoctor.blogspot.com/">Pinoy Medical Doctor</a> | <a href="http://www.praningshoutout.com/">Praning's Shoutout</a> | <a href="http://kloggers-randomramblings.blogspot.com/">Random Ramblings</a> | <a href="http://www.mirasblog.com/">Random Thoughts</a> | <a href="http://www.rareordinarythoughts.com/">Rare Ordinary Thoughts</a> | <a href="http://windmillofmymind.com/">Serendipity </a> | <a href="http://www.serradinho.com/">Serradinho</a> | <a href="http://sherrycontest.blogspot.com/">Sherry Contest</a> | <a href="http://sherrygo.blogspot.com/">Sherry Rambling</a> | <a href="http://sherryshopping.blogspot.com/">Shopping</a> | <a href="http://www.samanthaleecn.info/">Show Me Your Interest</a> | <a href="http://www.simplyshinade.blogspot.com/">Simply Shinade</a> | <a href="http://www.simplywp.net/">SimplyWP</a> | <a href="http://www.sirrobbierob.com/">Sir Robbie Rob</a> | <a href="http://sushifreak.net/">Sushi Freak</a> | <a href="http://www.symphonyoflove.net/blog/">Symphony of Love</a> | <a href="http://tekla88.info/">Take a Coffee Break...</a> | <a href="http://samleecn.joycd80.com/">Taste Buds</a> | <a href="http://www.kokeytechnology.com/">Technology Talks</a> | <a href="http://blog.pinoyko.info/">THE DESIGNERS BLOG</a> | <a href="http://www.im.byotipol.com/">The Designer's Chic</a> | <a href="http://www.theladyprogrammer.com/">The Lady Programmer</a> | <a href="http://www.star-chuu.net/">The Maiden's Testimony</a> | <a href="http://wondermom.info/">The Modern Mom</a> | <a href="http://www.shinade.blogspot.com/">The Painted Veil</a> | <a href="http://www.jessie-simbulan.com/">The Reporter</a> | <a href="http://thereishappiness.com/">There is Happiness</a> | <a href="http://thingsaboutcomputer.blogspot.com/">Things About Computer</a> | <a href="http://www.rielity.com/">This is So Me</a> | <a href="http://www.thomastraveltales.com/">Thomas Travel Tales</a> | <a href="http://www.thomasweblinks.us/">Thomas Web Links</a> | <a href="http://raua.blogspot.com/">Through the Rain</a> | <a href="http://www.towts4u.com/">Towts 4U</a> | <a href="http://www.lermzpascoe.com/">Twerlermz Blog</a> | <a href="http://www.tchel.com/">Twinkletoe Writing Space</a> | <a href="http://twinshappiness.com/"> Twins Happiness</a> | <a href="http://www.walkingnewspaper.blogspot.com/">walkingnewspaper</a> | <a href="http://gregorymathews.com/">Web Blog of Greg Mathews</a> | <a href="http://sapimoto.com/">Web Blog of Sapimoto</a> | <a href="http://www.jpsimbulan.com/">What Have You</a> | <a href="http://www.dfoolonthehill.com/">Windmill on the Hill</a> | <a href="http://www.mymariuca.com/">Wishing on a Falling Star</a> | <a href="http://www.nitascorner.info/"></a></center><center><a href="http://mommyko.com/">Wonderful Things in Life</a> | <a href="http://www.joyozlove.com/">Words of Love</a>
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<p><a href="http://www.lainyonline.com/" target="blank" title="Lainy’s Musings"><img alt="Lainy’s Musings" style="padding:2px;border:2px solid #000000;" src="http://i729.photobucket.com/albums/ww296/lainybelle/198262a37e6572afe7618202031a5a45.gif
" /></a></p>
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<p><a href="http://www.lainyonline.com/" target="blank" title="Lainy’s Musings"><img alt="Lainy’s Musings" style="padding:2px;border:2px solid #000000;" src="http://i729.photobucket.com/albums/ww296/lainybelle/9ac04a36f5049046a3556be249e03e6e.gif" /></a></p>
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<p><a href="http://www.lainyonline.com/" target="blank" title="Lainy’s Musings"><img alt="Lainy’s Musings" style="padding:2px;border:2px solid #000000;" src="http://i729.photobucket.com/albums/ww296/lainybelle/fc6f7948f193e5db58213274d14eb8a8.gif" /></a></p>
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<p><a href="http://www.lainyonline.com/" target="blank" title="Lainy’s Musings"><img alt="Lainy’s Musings" style="padding:2px;border:2px solid #000000;" src="http://i729.photobucket.com/albums/ww296/lainybelle/1e5bae8c8e278a4225258e26c652c1cf.gif" /></a></p>
2. Subscribe to my blog via email.
2.1 The email subscribe link is [ H E R E].
3. After completing the above requirements, please notify me by submitting a COMMENT at the Competition Post with the following details:
3.1 Your entry’s URL
3.2 Email address used to subscribe to this blog
3.3 Your Email address (if different from 3.2) to which the eBooks shall be sent to you.
4. The contest officially begins today, March 15, 2009 until March 31, 2009.
5. Readers’ polling shall officially start April 1 until April 25, 2009.
6. Great care and thought has been given towards making the judging scores unbiased. Therefore, the final result will be deemed irrevocable.
7. The result of the Winners will be deemed final on my Blog’s birthday - April 26, 2009, Winners shall be declared within a week following April 26.
II. THE THEME AND CONTENT for the Contestant’s entry:
- The story must be original.
- Imaginary or real, it must have a good plot.
- It must be interesting enough for there to even be a SEQUEL to the first story told.
- It must be written in good grammatical English, with a small allowance for English jargon, for conversation quotes or description.
- This being a Blog contest, it should be enhanced with animated images, photographs, banners, gravatar, and animated gif 125 x 125px or even point to other links for added support.
- Presentation method - the more creative, the higher the score!
- There are no minimum words. Therefore it relies on the Contestant’s ability to make the story readable, well written, so that it would make everyone sit up and notice the writer’s creativity and style. Make the content count!
- The THEME to be used for the Contestant’s entry:“Blog to the world; Blog for you and me”
- A panel of judges selected and approved by yours truly.
- The final score is not dependent solely on the panel of judges. Judges scores will account for 50% of the total score.
- The Anonymous Panel of Judges will judge the contest entries based on the following criteria summarized below:
3.1 Writing style and composition, which will include writing correctness such as grammar, spelling and punctuations (25%).
3.2 Subject matter, originality, organization of thoughts, expression and length (25%).
3.3 The remaining 50% will come from the reader’s appreciation via a Poll.
3.4 The Contestants can publish a campaign post at their respective blogs to seek for poll support from their readers.
3.5 A reader’s poll will be on display for readers to submit their rating. - A Storyteller is NOT allowed to judge his or other Contestants submission. Any Contestant breaching this rule will be DISQUALIFIED.
- The final score will be the combined weighted scores from the Judges and the Pollsters.
- The Winner/ s will be in accordance to the result of Item 5.
- Two Special Shield awards will be given. One Shield to the Best Storyteller and the other Shield is the Reader’s Choice Award.
- The Best Storyteller is given to the Contestant who has gained the highest weighted average score from the judges.
- The Reader’s Choice is the Contestant who has gained the highest poll from the readers.
- These Shields will be displayed at the Storyteller's Hall of Fame.
- Last but not least, there is one more special award shall be given to which everyone has a chance. This will be for LUCKY Contestant. This Award is given to the Contestant from a Draw. The Draw will be conducted under the auspice of http://www.ramdom.org/.
Sample Display of Special Shield Awards
First Prize:
- $50 Cash courtesy of Windmill on the Hill
- 50, 000 EntreCard Credits (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- Blogger Shirt with accessories as freebies valued at $10 courtesy of A Closet for Limitless Adventure (ships only to the Philippines). ***
- Blogger Blog Lay-Out valued at $30 courtesy of The Designer's Chic.
- Two (2) Free Domain Name Registrations for one (1) year worth $20 (or shall be converted to cash if the winner doesn't need a domain) courtesy of Novice Master.
- 1 set of bracelet and earrings courtesy of My Online Adventures (ships only to the U.S. ) ***
- 5 Ad Spaces for Free Blog Exposure (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- Permanent Blog Roll Link Up at Dark Angel.
- Text Link for 1 month at Arts and Entertainment Center.
- eBooks worth $100+ courtesy of News2Buzz.
- Twerlermz Blog- 7, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Novice Master- 5, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Blog Says- 3, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Show Me Your Interest- 3, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Kokey Gadgets- 2, 500 EntreCard Credits
- Moments of My Life- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Serendipity- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Life's Sweets and Spices- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- e-Pamilya- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Taste Buds- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- A Taste of Both Worlds- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Kutsara at Tinidor- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Moms... Check Nyo- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Random Ramblings- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Barefoot Journey- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Written Expressions- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Sushi Freak- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Adventures of a Fitness Diva- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Babette's Definitely Maybe! - 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- In the Eyes of the Beholder- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Nita's Random Thoughts- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Country Home- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My So-Called World- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- SimplyWP- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Mariuca's Perfume Gallery- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Through the Rain- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Adventures Online- 500 EntreCard Credits
- KissMi- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Joys in Life- 125X125 Ad spot for 1 month
- Juliana's Lair- 125X125 Ad spot for 1 month
- Basic Bloganomics- 125X125 Ad spot for 1 month
- walkingnewspaper- 125X125 Ad spot for 2 weeks
- $30 Cash courtesy of Technology Talks
- $ 5 Cash Courtesy of In the Eyes of the Beholder
- 25, 000 EntreCard Credits (Please see the names of the sponsors below)
- Customized header of any size courtesy of The Designers Blog
- One (1) Free Domain Name Registration for one (1) year worth $10 (or shall be converted to cash if the winner doesn't need a domain) courtesy of My Blog Says
- 4 Ad Spaces for Free Blog Exposure (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- Text Link for six (6) months at Mama ASID's ENTREPOD
- eBooks worth $100+ courtesy of News2Buzz.
- Windmill on the Hill- 5, 000 EntreCard Credits
- What Have You- 2, 500 EntreCard Credits
- Words of Love- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Library- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Twinkletoe Writing Space- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Wishing on a Falling Star- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Towts 4U- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- The Lady Programmer- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- A Mommy in Manila- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Iowahippiechick- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Piece of Paradise- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- EastCoastLife- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- A Freelance Designer's Blog- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Lifetime Mom- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Crossroads- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Chronic Chic Talk- 750 EntreCard Credits
- Thomas Travel Tales- 750 EntreCard Credits
- Night Clicks-125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Blazing Minds- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 week
- Dancing in Midlife Tune-125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- e-Pamilya- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- $25 Cash courtesy of Juliana's World
- 15, 950 EntreCard Credits (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- 4 Ad Spaces for Free Blog Exposure (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- Text Link for 1 month at Filipino Online Community
- eBooks worth 100+ courtesy of News2Buzz.
- Briggs Time for Escapades- 3, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Everything Has a Reason- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Mommy's Little Corner- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Daily Stop- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Things About Computer- 1, 200 EntreCard Credits
- Rare Ordinary Thoughts- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- God's Best Gift- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Life and Family Journey- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Online Diary- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Whole New World- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Thomas Web Links- 750 EntreCard Credits
- Random Thoughts- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Net Source- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Heart Random- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- My Barefoot Journey- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- $ 10 Cash courtesy Happy Family
- $ 5 Cash courtesy of Fragments of Thoughts... A Piece of Life
- 10, 000 EntreCard Credits (Please see the names of the sponsors below)
- 4 Ad Spaces for Free Blog Exposure (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- eBooks worth 100+ courtesy of News2Buzz.
- The Reporter- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- A Simple Life- 1, 500 EntreCard Credits
- Ask Ms Recipe- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Confessions of a Fitness Diva- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Praning's ShoutOut- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Nita's Corner- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Serradinho- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Take a Coffee Break...- 500 EntreCard Credits
- There is Happiness- 500 EntreCard Credits
- Twins Happiness- 500 EntreCard Credits
- Juliana's World- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- A Moment to Exhale- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- iLuv Contest- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Sherry Contest- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- 5, 000 EntreCard Credits (Please see the names of the sponsors below)
- 4 Ad Spaces for Free Blog Exposure (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- eBooks worth 100+ courtesy of News2Buzz.
- The Maiden's Testimony- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- A Life to Remember- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Ericson Home- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Wonderful Things in Life- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Night Clicks- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Twinkletoe Writing Space- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Dancing in Midlife Tune- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Computer Technology Gadgets- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Also Mommy- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- 4, 000 EntreCard Credits (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- 4 Ad Spaces for Free Blog Exposure (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- eBooks worth 100+ courtesy of News2Buzz.
- A Moment to Exhale- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Random Thoughts- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Net Source- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- The Modern Mom- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Healthy Living and Style- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- walkingnewspaper- 125X125 Ad Spot for 2 weeks
- Take a Coffee Break- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- e-Pamilya-125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- 3, 000 EntreCard Credits (Please see the names of the sponsors below)
- 4 Ad Spaces for Free Blog Exposure (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- eBooks worth 100+ courtesy of News2Buzz.
- My So Called Life- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Medan Daily- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Make or Break- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Another Contest- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Pinoy Medical Doctor- 125X125 Ad Spot for 2 weeks
- Sherry Rambling- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- $10 Cash courtesy of Our Journey to Forever
- 5, 000 EntreCard Credits (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- One Free Wordpress Domain Name Registration for 1 year and Webhosting courtesy of He Likes to Rant
- 1 Blogger Shirt with accessories as freebies valued at $10 courtesy of A Closet for Limitless Adventure (ships only to
- the Philippines) ***
- 4 Ad Spaces for Free Blog Exposure (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- eBooks worth 100+ courtesy of News2Buzz.
- Girls are Made of Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice- 2, 000 EnreCard Credits
- Life's Journey- 1, 000 EnreCard Credits
- Kusinera sa Amerika- 1, 000 EnreCard Credits
- Mama Asid's Entrepod- 500 EnreCard Credits
- Angels in My Life- 500 EnreCard Credits
- Web Blog of Sapimoto- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- My Country Home- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Elai's Haven- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- My Blog Says- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- $10 Cash courtesy of Kuerdas
- 5, 000 EntreCard Credits (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- One Free Domain Name Registration for 1 year courtesy of JoyOz Photography.
- 1 Blogger Shirt with accessories as freebies valued at $10 courtesy of A Closet for Limitless Adventure (ships only to the Philippines) ***
- 4 Ad Spaces for Free Blog Exposure (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- eBooks worth 100+ courtesy of News2Buzz.
- In My Kitchen- 2, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Everything Plus the Kitchen Sink- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Everything Under the Sun- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Elai's Haven- 500 EntreCard Credits
- History of SuperNova and Sweet Pain- 500 EntreCard Credits
- Symphony of Love- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Show Me Your Interest- 125X125 Ad Spot for 2 weeks
- Shopping- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Novice Master- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- $5 Cash courtesy of The Certified Fashionable Chic
- 5, 000 EntreCard Credits (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- 1 Blogger Blog Lay-Out Valued at $ 30 courtesy of The Designer's Chic.
- 4 Ad Spaces for Free Blog Exposure (Please see the names of the sponsors below).
- eBooks worth 100+ courtesy of News2Buzz.
- I'm Walking on Sunshine- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- La Vida Es Hermosa- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- I Thought So- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- My Kitchen- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- All Blog Contest- 750 EntreCard Credits
- Simply Shinade-250 EntreCard Credits
- Sir Robbie Rob- 125X125 Ad Spot for 2 months
- Joys in Life- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Name Sherry- 125X125 Ad Spot for 1 month
- Pinoy Medical Doctor- 125X125 Ad Spot for 2 weeks
- This Is So Me- 1, 000 EntreCard Credits
- Ad Exposure for 1 month
Second Valid Entry Submitted: 500 EntreCard Credits


*** BUMPER BAG: If the winner is unable to gain the prizes listed below, they may opt to have these items exchanged with other winners.
- 3 Blogger Shirts with accessories as freebies valued at $10 each courtesy of A Closet for Limitless Adventure (ships only to the Philippines).
- 1 set of bracelet and earrings courtesy of My Online Adventures (ships only to the U.S. ).
NOTE: Some words are in bold and color font for emphasis. Yours truly reserves the right to alter the Contest Procedures if deemed necessary. Should you need further clarification for something mentioned above, please make it known through your Comment here or e-mail me: (eleyn29 at yahoo dot com)
Official VALID Entries:
- Twerlermz Blog
- The Maiden's Testimony
- Chronic Chick Talk
- Mary Ann's Musings
- Sweet Nothings
- Mom 2 Ways
- Another Contest
- My Written xPressions
- Details in the Tales
- Just Keep Trying
- In the Eyes of the Beholder
- Make or Break
- walkingnewspaper
- Fragments of Thoughts... A Piece of Life
- Mike Mamaril: Growing One Mistake at a Time
- Zorlone
- Twinkletoe Writing Space
- Home Buddies
- Joys in Life
- The Mommy Journey
- Briggs Time for Escapades
- The Painted Veil
- Show Me Your Interest
- La-la Landia
- Rosilie: My Blog
- My Blog Says
Thank You Is Not Enough!
- My Blog Says
- Towts 4u
- Anything Under the Sun
- My So Called Life
- The Designer's Chic
- I'm Walking on Sunshine
- The Maiden's Testimony
And of course! How could I forget? The Master Graphic Artist of that beautiful banner...
I wish you Blue Skies and All Things Nice !
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