The Readers Poll


Bye 2008, Hello 2009!

With only two more hours left before we bid goodbye to 2008 and say hello to 2009, let me ponder, reflect and count my blessings for the year that was. Each and everyday of 2008 wasn't all too blissful but there wasn't a day I haven't been grateful for the beautiful things and wonderful experiences that God gave me the chance to savor. There were so many things that I want to thank the Lord for but the space in this blog for sure wouldn't be enough. Suffice it to say that my heart is overflowing with gratefulness! God has blessed all aspects of my life in more ways than one. And for that, I return back all the Glory to HIM!


Assumption: The Mother of All Mistakes

I always go home for lunch every noon time break. Yesterday, I got home and two of my brothers are home as well. When it was almost time to go back to work, I thought my youngest brother was still asleep. The only one I saw preparing to go out was my brother next to me. So when I went out and reported back to work, I didn't locked the gate, I even didn't closed the window because I thought someone was home. I got surprised when my mother sent me SMS asking where my brothers are because no one was answering her phone calls at home. That's when I realized my two younger brothers must have gone out together without me knowing it and our home was left unlocked, the industrial knobs were useless. It happened because they didn't even say a word they are leaving, I really thought someone was home, that's what I get for assuming too much. I still never learned that assumption is the mother of all mistales. tsk! tsk! tsk!


Some of the Reasons Why More and More People Are Leaving EntreCard

I was deeply saddened by the news that a number of my Top Droppers have now made a decision to leave EntreCard for good. One of them is WorldWide Travel Blog who has been a consistent Top Dropper across my blogs for a number of months and I will absolutely miss seeing his widget in my inbox. But guaranteed, that this isn't goodbye because I will continue to visit his blog with or without the EntreCard widget in his blog.
With the increasing number of bloggers making the decision to depart from the realms of EntreCard, I have made a summary of some of the major reasons why they have come to a decisive point leaving the EntreCard community. Some of these list are picked from some popular bloggers and I will be linking up to them at the bottom of this post.

No one is ever compelled to drop 300 cards each day! But to get the best out of EntreCard, one must drop to the maximum 300 cards per blog. Many EntreCarders refused to be a slave by spending their time dropping cards and use up hours and hours of going through blogs. Once you don't have a speedy connection, it will take you forever to finish the task more so if you'll be dropping for multiple blogs. Knowing the tricks on how to drop quick in just a matter of 30 minutes would help. I have actually shared some of my Dropping Techniques in the past:
I do not know how I was able to manage dropping 1, 200 cards everyday with my 4 blogs since I also have a full time work apart from blogging but much of the credit goes to my cousin Allena of In the Eyes of the Beholder who does the dropping chores in my behalf numerous times. I personally wouldn't think this is a poorly invested time because I love getting a glimpse of other people's viewpoints and thoughts. I daresay I have quite learned a lot from other people's various ideas.
Yes, EntreCard may have failed in strictly implementing the Updated Quality Standards but since quality is subjective I can't say much on the matter. I personally love going through blogs on a wide variety of topics and categories and I can put up with anything.
Some thinks of sub par and poor quality blogs containing the following:
  1. Blogs that are nothing but paid posts- I have recently made a post out of this.

  2. Slow blogs- Yeah! A number of them takes forever to load. Please put that video off and please turn off that autoplay music! I've had enough of these blogs. Good thing I am using the No Script Add On feature so I'm not quite affected.

  3. Out of date blogs- It's quite disappointing to see numerous blogs who were able to take time dropping their cards without updating their blogs. I can see lots of them. To get a wide readership, I understand that updating ones own blog is a must.

  4. Poorly written content (grammar and spelling mistakes)- Many of the bloggers are using English as a second language. I am no exception. I am still a work in progress but English as a second language is no excuse for me not to brush up. There is always room for improvement. Some faux pas though are understandable. We just need to double our effort in learning the art of writing in a much respectable level. That is, being able to deliver a clear and comprehensible message to our visitors.

Well, if an EntreCarder is too particular of the abovementioned points, I am urging you to report blogs to the EC admin so that they can impose sanctions on those identified blogs. Notwithstanding the points earlier pointed out, I feel that blogging should be open to all levels of literacy and topics. EntreCard must be very careful in imposing sanctions though as QUALITY per se vary from one person to another.


I felt bad when I learned that one blogger particularly pointed out that one reason he is leaving the community is because of the SAHMS. I do not want to rebut him but with all due respect to the SAHMS, they are wonderful! You see, to each his own. I have high regard for them because they were able to make the most out of their time blogging aside from child-rearing and taking care of their own homes. Creating that balance is not easy. I owe them much of my traffic and majority of the good friends I have acquired from EntreCard are the SAHMS. To all of you blogging Mommies, Long Live!


Unannounced downtimes and outages is indeed very annoying! At least we deserve to know when service failure would take place ahead of time so that we can adjust. Though EntreCard have failed to send us notices for service failures umpteen of times, I have to commend them for upgraded and better service.

EntreCard is a free advertising site. We are suppose to get traffic via the 125 x 125 slots we have purchased from other blogs. But since the price of advertising for popular blogs is too much for an ordinary member to afford, the ordinary members are drowned in the sea of active EC power users who were able to take advantage of the system. Added to this is the "drop and run" phenomenon where blogs don't really get long term traffic. I can't say much about this but since EntreCard, this blog's traffic had gone up to 100K plus and I couldn't have done it if not for EntreCard.


One of the things that triggered some members to leave was Graham's decision in deleting some popular members from the system. Turnip of Power, one of my Top Droppers, have been deleted for using Twitter. Quite a number of members now think that is such a crappy and silly decision from the management. ENTRECRAP as they have called it should have known better. Does Graham believe in second chances? Is a second chance being asked?

To Be Continued...


8 Reasons to Quit EntreCard
Goodbye EntreCard!
Banned From EntreCard for Using Twitter

My 2 Short-Term Courses

Last year, I enrolled in short-term courses. I was so enthralled in getting my skills honed. I have actually finished two short courses: Baking and Hot Cook Kitchen. Well, I was able to hurdle three months of going to school in each classes. Classes are only during weekends though. I was able to manage going to school despite the two major elections conducted last year.
After getting my certificate of completion for Baking in December 2007, I planned of getting another course in Hairdressing. I just wanted to know the basics in beauty jobs and salon jobs. I know for a fact that esthetician jobs are in demand this days. My reason for wanting to take a short course was more of personal- just simply to learn things my own way and hopefully, when I become an expert, derive additional earnings from it. Our neighbor have actually put up their own salon after graduating in her short term course. She is an expert in doing nails, hair treatments and the like. Now her salon is getting bigger and attracting lots of clients.
Now with the advent of technology, getting a job outside the Philippine shores is a lot easier. is a website for salon people industry. It is a website which helps people to acquire jobs because job opportunities are being posted at their website for three months for only $29! Great, isn't it? I might just pursue this course when I decide to lie low a bit from blogging ;-)

The Noblesse Oblige Award

It's great to be back after 3 long and agonizing days of being away from my own PC! And what a way to welcome me back by getting a hold of this beautiful Noblesse Oblige Award courtesy of Windmill. Thanks so much, Windy! You always make my blogging experience sweet and meaningful!

This Award is presented to bloggers who display consistency in any one or a combination of these conditions:

  1. The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
  2. The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
  3. There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture and Sciences and Beliefs.
  4. The Blog is refreshing and creative.
  5. The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking..

The Blogger who receives this award will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Create a Post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award.
  2. The Award Conditions must be displayed at the Post.
  3. Write a short article about what the Blog has thus far achieved – preferably citing one or more older Post to support.
  4. The Blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award in concurrence with the Award conditions.
  5. The Blogger must display the Award at any location at the Blog.

There are a quite a number of great blogger friends who truly deserves this award. In one way or another, the blogs enumerated below, in alphabetical order, have made my blogging experience worth my time and effort. Their friendly ways and all of the conditions mentioned above were met which merit them such recognition.

  1. Lollii of My Kawaii Life
  2. Elaine of Pink Hues
  3. Tricia of Proud Mommy
  4. Twerlyn of Twerlermz Blog
  5. Twinks of Twinkletoe Writing Space

The above list are the only few amongst the many blogs who are indeed deserving of such award. Feel free to grab this award and I hope you like them as much as I did.

To God Be the Glory!

As we are fixing things today at home, the shipping boxes that were lying beside the computer table caught my attention. I knew I can't afford to just throw them all away. Why? I have been instructed by my Prince to keep all things that will serve as proof later. Since we are in a long distance relationship, all proofs online and packages that were sent our way will be very important things to show that indeed we have a relationship and is not bogus.
That being said, I am so looking forward for 2009. I know it will be the year for me and my Prince, with God's mercy. We already have waited a long time for things to materialise and now we are just too excited. I hope God hear our prayers and grant the realialization of our aspirations. I am very positive God won't forsake me and my Prince! He has always sided with us and never left us since day one.
To God be the glory! 


Blogging at a Public Internet Cafe

internet cafe Pictures, Images and Photos
It's not the usual reason you hear from me everytime I am blogging at the public internet cafe. I would usually lambast my ISP in the past for internet connection failures but as of late, I haven't encountered much problems. They are a lot faster and the service is getting a lot better. They haven't given me any headaches for the last three months or so.
Until this morning. When I woke up at 4AM, I immediately headed to my desktop and turned it on. But to my dismay, the PoE adaptor for SmartBro canopy failed to function. I felt so disappointed! I have immediately filed a complaint at the SmartBro Center nearest our place and unfortunately, they ran out of supply of PoE and it would take them about a week or so to find for a replacement! My initial reaction was: "Whaaaaaaaaat????GOSH! " It's like forever for me!
Well, I couldn't do anything about it because its a circumstance beyond my control. All I need to do now is stretch my patience and wait. Indeed, patience is a virtue and it requires a lot of waiting, sigh!
Public cafes are a lot different compared to the comfort of our own homes. In here, you can not hide from the prying eyes of the other users. In short, there is no privacy. It's very noisy, too. Good thing the one I chose prohibits the playing of online games and accepts clients for internet usage only. Another thing with cafes is that I can't stand up whenever I want to get a drink or just even go to the toilet. Of course, I would want to make the most out of my stay here as I will be paying it per hour.
Having said all that, nothing can still beat the luxury of getting online in the comfort of our own homes. I can't wait to have my connection back anytime soon.
To all my regular droppers, please bear with me. I have requested my cousin Ally of In the Eyes of the Beholder to look after my blogs and do the dropping chores in my behalf. She will do her best to return all your drops. I owe her so much!
Thank you all for your continued visits. I hope you never get tired swinging by this humble blog of mine. Got to go. Until you hear from me blogging in our own home ;-)


Face Painting as a Profession

Face Painting is a fast rising trend that too many people find very unique and attractive. It is what they call art. For the most part, artists who are inclined to doing face paint can find it a very fun activity not to mention rewarding if they are going to get serious in this kind of craft and consider this as a profession. Well, it won't be a problem especially for neophytes because a DVD is now available fo them to see the basics and more face painting designs to choose from. My brothers know some friends who are into face paintings as a profession. They love their craft and are doing their best to hone it to the best of their abilities.


Win a Free Web Hosting for Your Wordpress Blog: More Prizes at Stake!

I so love to have a Wordpress-powered blog. But my lack of knowledge on the complexities of Wordpress features prevented me from acquiring one. When my friend Uncle Che offered to do some Wordpress tutorials, I can't help but feel ecstatic! I was all fired up in purchasing my own domain! What made it all the more exciting was when a good friend of mine in the person of Kuya Jessie, blog owner of Technology Talks invited me to join his contest for me to have the opportunity to Win a Free Web Hosting for my Wordpress Blog. And here's more! Apart from the Free Domain Hosting, I can also have the chance to win cash and EntreCard Credits. Isn't that exciting?
That being said, I would like to encourage you all to join this contest. You can actually participate in two (2) simple ways: by being a CONTESTANT or by merely just a VOTER. Yes guys! I will be needing your votes here as winners shall be determined by POPULARITY. If you have multiple blogs, so much the better. And if one of your friends have already joined, you still can vote for them and for ME as well using your other blogs.
May it be noted that the two blogs who voted for the 2 participants in the example mentioned above are owned by one and the same person, IVY. She was able to vote for our friend Twerlyn without leaving me out as well. What I would like to point out here is that if one has multiple blogs and more than one of his friends have participated in the contest, he still can show support to all his friends by voting for them using all his blogs.
Here are some of the contest MECHANICS:
  1. RSS Subscription
  2. Blog Posting
  3. Encourage Readers thereby earning points.
  4. Convert your readers to become contestants (It's YOU reading this post, hopefully, hehe!)
  5. Deadline for submission of entry is December 15.


  1. Blog Posting
  2. Deadline of submission of entry for voters is on December 30, 5PM.


  1. FREE Wordpress-only blog hosting for 1 year with 1500MB web space plus unlimited monthly bandwidth. Domain is not included as prize though.
  2. CASH Prizes for top 3 winners:

1st Prize: $25 (via Paypal) + 2,000 Entrecard credits

2nd Prize: $15 (via Paypal) + 1,500 Entrecard Credits

3rd Prize: $10 (via Paypal) + 500 Entrecard Credits

Five (5) voters shall also be chosen amongst all VOTERS which shall be randomly selected and receive $10 each (via Paypal) plus 500 EntreCard credits.

Now let's start the ball rolling! Make your own entry now and have a chance to win!


TV Lifts

When our old TV wasn't anymore working last year, my Prince was so generous because he bought us a new one. It was because he wanted to satisfy my passion for watching basketball games. I was very happy! Two weeks ago when our fridge acted up, he also suggested we buy a new one but I was telling him we need not purchase a new one and jsut have the old one repaired. True enough, it is working now after a minor repair on the freon. I also decided to have our old TV checked and it is also working now, hehe! Now we have two televisions! How is that? Well, I am thinking of buying tv lifts in the kitchen where the other TV is placed. That way, it is permanent and safe.

My Fourth Blog: The Certified Fashionable Chic

In September, the thought of coming up with a fourth blog was very tempting but I wasn't too adamant. Updating three blogs regularly is already too impossible for me to accomplish, how much more adding one more blog in my cap? That's too much for me to handle! But since the setting up of the new domain was made possible by my very good friend Uncle Che of AZ Blogging and the blog theme was masterfully done by the artistic hands and brilliant mind of a pretty and sexy friend of mine, Ivy of the Designer's Chic, I had no choice but to eventually accept the given fact that indeed, my fourth blog is already up and running.
So a fashion blog it shall be.
Though I am a person who dressses up for comfort, it isn't too bad to dress both for comfort and for fashion, right? Hehe! I owe Ivy a lot not only for the blog's layout but for the blog's name as well. When I was about on the verge of giving up and wanted to hit my head because I coudn't come up with a nice title for the new blog, Ivy came to the rescue, as always.
I want so many things featured in my fashion blog but time constraints or simply the lack of it made it a little impossible for me to do what I want.
When I made my first post for my fourth blog in September, I said:

"This blog shall be a niche for glamoruous gals like me who wants to know the latest craze and trends in fashion, apparels, some beauty tips, and a whole lot more. This blog shall especially talk about how a girl can be trendy and glamorous. I am a little apprehensive though I wouldn't be able to update this blog more frequently but I will try my very, very best..."

I still haven't been true to my words. Not so much beauty tips, not so much posts on fashion crazes and trends. I' ve only made 15 posts in that blog since September. Not too many huh! Updating 4 of my blogs after a long day's hard work is keeping me so mentally drained! Good thing my good friend Polly of Random Ramblings helped me out in giving me ideas on what to write for my blog. She even went as far as scanning all fashion mags available and she sent them all to me for me to be able to post them in my blog. I appreciated so much her gesture!
I still have to live up to the blog's title- The Certified Fashionable Chic. It's still a far cry from what I really want to happen. Hopefully, with it's second layout (courtesy of Ivy) since its conception, I will be more inspired and motivated to update it more often.
Please take note of the The Certified Fashionable Chic's previous and current EntreCard widgets:
Previous EntreCard Widget
The Certified Fashionable Chic

NEW EntreCard Widget

Certified Fashionable Chic


The Family's Baby

It is an open book that I have an asthma attack. But that didn't prevented us from having a pet at home. Oh how we so love our puppy! He is actually the family's baby. Though he is only a street dog, we treat him like a member of our family. We are so attached to him the moment we laid eyes on him. He is a very kind dog and we can feel he loves his masters. His name is Budotz. I often call him Baby Budotz. My mother is so attached to him. When he fell ill in December of last year, my mother was nagging me in going to the City Veterinarian and ask for some pet supplements. Good thing it was just a simple cold. Budotz is fine now. I can hear him playing outside. I know in a while he will knock on our door and would want to come inside ;-) 


Another Milestone

Today is no ordinary day for me and my Prince. It's the day we've both vowed to care and love each other. We were able to nourish the relationship eventhough distance has been a barrier for the two of us. But this barrier has served as a powerful block that we both were able to conquer for twenty three months and still counting. Our inner strengths and devotion and love for each other have been put to a test but indeed, true love is boundless and immeasurable and overcomes all forms of adversities. If it is genuine, it will grow stronger with each assault.
I know there will be more assaults to come but I know we both can make it through until my Prince and I will be finally be face-to-face. With God's grace, everything will be all worth the wait.



My cousin Ally is planning to go home and celebrate the New Year with us here in Mindanao. I have heard she purchased a new luggage. That is how excited she is in finally coming home again. I wonder if she was able to purchase Rimowa. It is guaranteed to be the best of its kind in giving out the best and quality luggages to its clientele. Satisfaction is 100% assured. I highly recommend Rimowa to all of you who are planning to have your vacations or business trips.

Dream Match Result: Pacquiao Makes History as He Lords Over De La Hoya Via TKO!

The Dream Match is no longer a dream. Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao and Oscar "Golden Boy" De La Hoya made this dream a reality. But in every fight, there is only one victor. Pacquiao, the 29-year-old five-division world champion tried to make history yet again and succeeded. He shocked the world when he beat Oscar De La Hoya in the 8th round of the fight via a technical knock-out.
Who would have thought Pacman would make it? He is undersized. Before the scheduled epic match, many things have been thrown against him and many did not believe that he can beat the American- Mexican fighter. There was a heavy anticipation for majority of the boxing fanatics that this match will go in De La Hoya's favor. Pacquaio was considered to be the underdog. But Manny proved them all totally wrong! Pacquiao's detractors have undermined his pound-for-pound power.
As the two fighters sized each other up in the beginning rounds, it was obvious that De La Hoya was a little bit more tensed. Pacquiao took advantage of the situation and attacked De La Hoya to the frenzy of his cheering fans. The world was surprised to see a much speedy and strong Pacquiao.
In the 5th round, it became obvious that De La Hoya had a hard time finding his target. His face began to redden from the punches thrown his way by Pacquiao. De La Hoya's punches can no longer connect. Pacquiao's aggressiveness gave him the edge on the score cards landing more punches than De La Hoya much to the surprise of the cheering crowd.
In the 7th round, De La Hoya was still struggling, missing miserably from connecting his punches, he just can't find a steady target in Pacquiao. While Pacquaio, on the other hand, was up on his feet causing a puff in De La Hoya's left eye. His left hands kept penetrating De La Hoya's body. Pacquiao's execution was almost perfect!
In the 8th round, it was very evident that Pacquiao's speed was a killer. De La Hoya can no longer keep up with him. He was all too bothered by the punches and jabs given him by Pacquiao and he became obviously sluggish. Pacquiao was declared the winner after the 8th round via technical knock out when the fight had to be stopped because De La Hoya gave up! He accepted his defeat graciously which is a mark of a great sportsman and a true champion.
The fight clearly manifested Pacquiao's speed was able to neutralize De la Hoya's size.
Pacquiao is now a legend in the boxing world. He was able to assert his supremacy inside the ring. He was all up for the challenge and his sheer heart to win the fight made everything possible apart from the skills that he worked on very hard during his training. He deserves all the credits and accolades- a fighter with a BIG heart. He carried the Filipino's name in his shoulders and indeed, he made all of us proud!
Pacquiao's victory made me all the more proud to be one of the Generals.
Congrats MONEY, oh, MANNY I mean, hehe!


Height Versus Weight

Are you getting desperate with your unwanted fats? Have you been on the look out for effective fat burners for you to lose a few pounds? Well, fret no more! I was on the same position last year when my weight grew out of proportion. As you know it, I do not have the height to flaunt so I better have a weight that is proportioned with my height. Apidexin was the answer to my predicament. It is the best and ideal fat burner for people like us who is very particular with thebest ingredients and money back warranty. They have it all in one package! Is it not great?


When All Your Posts Are Nothing But Paid Posts

I am one of the many bloggers who is enjoying one of the countless perks of blogging- getting paid to blog. When I first came to blog, it's primarily because I want to express and not to impress. Then came the companies who were able to lure me with a few bucks by writing for them. Indeed, it became a huge motivation for me to stay infront of my PC longer hours than necessary. And why not? I get to earn dollars by just writing a few words.
I am FOR paid blogging but while I get to enjoy the monetary aspect of it, we must admit that it also has its downsides.
Though I have always believed and emphasized that quality is subjective, content is still KING. When one gets to write a post with a couple of paid links for advertisers and there's a need to beat the deadline, the tendency is for one to be in a hurry and just write in random, include the needed links, hit the publish button and get paid. That's all there is to it. I admit I am guilty as charged. Sometimes I even forget that there is a certain ratio needed for paid reviews versus personal posts- 1:2 is ideal. It's hard to do it especially when one has multiple blogs (like me). I admit I can only manage to have one (1) interim post after each paid reviews.
What's striking here, and frustrating I must say, is that we can see a LOT of blogs where every post is a paid post. Some even don't write an interim post when there is no new assignment at hand. In my opinion, it will hurt our blog if we do that more often. Just take for instance this blog. It was ranked 3 by Google a couple of weeks back. When I grabbed assignments from one identified affliate for a week, my Page Rank dropped to 2. Why am I not surprised at all? I know Google is a little unpredictable but the heck with Page Ranks!
Now going back to paid posts, I do not know the technical consequences of it, but personally, seeing blogs bombarded by paid links is rather dismal. I always take more than three (3) hours a day dropping cards on blogs, reading and commenting. I admit there are a few blogs where I do the "drop and run" phenomenon. I am sorry but your posts must be bombarded with paid links. If it's any consolation at all, majority of the blogs I get to spend more of my time are those that are very interesting to me and they are all worth spending my time.
I don't want to cease being a passionate blogger. I truly enjoy the REAL perks of blogging and that is free speech. I can get to write whatever comes to mind in random, paid post or not. I don't want to disappoint my visitors when they take time to visit my blogs and all I can offer are paid links. I don't want to steal your time and waste it by letting you know that my advertisers have become my master. Though I don't write for an audience, I feel I should be responsible for whatever things I write because I am involved in some communities where I am inviting my fellow bloggers to visit my blogs (EntreCard, MyBlogLog, BlogCatalog, etc.).
While it's true that most of us are paid to blog, a lot of bloggers have quite forgotten that personal posts should be written by REAL people. Some bloggers tend to plagiarize just for the sole purpose of breaking the monotony by writing paid reviews. Bloggers must exude prudence and decency to give credit to where it is due when quoting or copying someone's work. We can not always undermine our reader's intelligence more so fool them in believing that we are such a great writer. We are not fooling them but we are only fooling ourselves!
As what, Tony Feriozzi, Payu2Blog support staff warned and I quote:
"What I have run into a few times now is a blog full of 60 word posts with links, all paid and nothing else. That blog, if thats all it is, will eventually not get assignments. So do your best to do some real posts on your blogs if you aren't already, it will be better for you and us. "
Let us all remember that with blogging comes responsibility. And blogging is not about how articulate and eloquent we are as a writer. It's about the effort we put in by writing down our OWN thoughts, generating pleasure just by doing it and how we convey every message we wanted relayed to our readers (if there's any, hehe!).


Las Vegas, Here I Come!

Who wouldn't want a vacation and shopping spree at Las Vegas and get to stay at a las vegas hotel? Well, it just made me thinking. I have heard one contest over the radio and the major prize which lures the active participation of the listeners is a free trip to Las Vegas. It sounded so convincing that I would try my luck in joining myself. Well, I hope I will be very lucky and get the grand prize.
Wait for me, Vegas! ;-)

Be One of the Dropaholics Like Me!

Have you heard of yet? If not, better have a check on the site. The site was brilliantly thought of and developed by Gregory Matthews of He Likes to Rant. Sounds familiar?
Look at his EntreCard widget below and click the image and you will be taken to his site:
Web Blog of Greg Matthews

I have just learned of the Dropaholics site when I read Greg's post on How to Become a Dropaholic yesterday. Curiously, I tried to follow all his instructions and submitted this blog to the system. But to my surprise, it's already in the system ranking at no. 17 yesterday and my other blog, Our Journey to Forever, is also in the system! I have added my third blog, Kuerdas, and amazingly, all my 3 blogs are now in the Top 100 Dropaholics! I was very happy! My dropping efforts were recognized!
Upon checking today, this blog climbed up to rank # 11!
The rankings change from time to time though depending on the number of drops made on your top droppers.
I can do many things from I can generate a widget code wherein I can opt to display in my blog the following:
  1. Top Dropaholics on my Blog
  2. Blogs I am Dropaholic On
  3. Top Dropaholics Over-all
One of the cool features I like from the site is that I can opt to choose what to display in my blog. It can be the blog's title, both blog's title and widgets or just the blog's badges.
If you are one of my notorious regular droppers and your blog isn't in the list of dropaholics yet, better submit your blog immediately for monitoring. As you will notice, my Top 10 droppers who are Dropaholics are already in place in the left sidebar of this blog. The system shall automatically crawl your top droppers and your rankings shall be made known. No need to upload your top droppers' badges to Photobucket anymore as they will be automatically crawled up by the system.
And here's more! You don't need to drop the maximum 300 cards to be included in the ranks of dropaholics. You can well establish your position by consistently dropping on blogs of your interest and consequently. they shall in turn reciprocate your drops and even read your posts and comment on them.
I have high hopes in Dropaholics. Why not be one of us now?